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Hip Dips: Are Hip Dips attractive and How to get rid of Hip Dips?

What is Hip Dips

The indentations or depressions on the outside of your upper legs directly below your hip bone are called hip dips.

Hip dips come in several forms and are a typical feature of the human body.Hip dips can be very obvious to certain people and show up as huge indentations. They might not be as visible to others.

The way your femur and pelvic bones are arranged will determine whether you see them or not. Your body’s ability to disperse fat and build muscle can also improve their appearance.

Hip dips are a natural feature of the human body therefore you shouldn’t strive to eliminate them.Concentrating on the health and function of your hips is the finest thing you can do for them.

Hip dips are the inward bends on your body that are located right beneath each hip bone. They are sometimes referred to as violin hips or hip divots.

You might not have known about hip dips or even considered them to be an issue until recently. But when standards of beauty continue to rise to unachievable heights hip dips are now considered a “flaw” that needs to be fixed.

Even if getting rid of hip dips is all the rage these days, you shouldn’t try to get rid of them because they are perfectly normal. Actually, the two factors that most determine hip dips are your build and heredity, both of which you cannot alter.

Everything you need to know about hip dips is included in this article, along with a list of exercises for strong, healthy hips and an explanation of their causes.

What causes hip dips?

Everyone with a regular anatomy has hip dips, which is a dirty little secret. Examining the skeleton makes it clear why: the upper leg bone, the femur, is not a straight line. It resembles a rounded number seven with the femur’s top sticking out of the pelvic girdle.

The bone that gives our hips their rounded shape is the ileum, which forms the first curve in the pelvic region. It forms the pelvic region’s initial curvature. Your greater trochanter and femoral neck are the source of the second curve.The femoral neck serves as the connecting element between the greater trochanter, the knobby beginning of your leg bone and the ball that inserts into your hip socket.

Everybody has a gap between their greater trochanter, hip socket and ilium. Whether or not your hip dip is visible depends on how much of that region is visible. Your figure is influenced by your hip breadth, greater trochanter size and femoral neck length.

Hip dips, in contrast to popular assumption reveal nothing about your level of fitness or health. It has nothing to do with your muscular system. Indeed, a violin form can be emphasized by the distribution of fat and muscle mass. But they are not its cause.

How to get rid of Hip Dips

hip dips
  • The natural dip that forms at the side of your hips is called a hip dip. They typically have a common and normal tendency to their bodily structure. The composition of the body’s muscles, bones and fat layers predisposes one to this illness. Of course, you ca not get rid of them entirely, but you can give your hips a nice shape by exercising correctly and making lifestyle changes. Here’s how to carry that out:

    1. Exercise for Strength
    Emphasis on the glutes: Exercises like lunges, squats, and hip thrusts will cause the muscles in your thighs and glutes to expand. These muscles can make your body appear more balanced in that area, which may assist lessen hip dips.
    Exercise for the muscles surrounding your hips and thighs-side leg raises
    2. Fundamental Exercises
    Plank and side plank: In general building strength in your core enhances the general tone and composition of your body’s muscles which reduces the visibility of your hip dips.

  • 3. Distribution of Body Fat
    Exercise with eating a healthy diet: In general, one should follow appropriate nutritional guidelines to ensure that their body fat percentage is within control.
    The Task: Cardiovascular exercise aids in controlling body fat levels, but it does not specifically target the hip region when it comes to fat loss.
    4. Outfit Selections
    Custom Fit Clothing: Wearing skirts or pants with high waists helps smooth out your shape and help to hide any hip dips.
    Layering: This also includes dressing in layers or with frills or ruffles. As a result layering makes hip dips harder to hide.

  • Fifth, Posture Proper posture: It is important to keep in mind that how you stand with your shoulders back can greatly influence how your body appears.
    Hip dips are a natural aspect of your body type and should not be felt forced. Loving ones own body and thinking about overall fitness and wellness is often the healthiest mindset.

Are hip dips normal?

Hip dips are normal and part of the variation in human body types. The natural indentation along your hips is determined by the bones, muscles, fat distribution, and genetics. Many individuals have them, and they don’t say anything about your health or fitness. Loving your body type and working on general well-being is quite healthy.

Are Hip Dips attractive

Attractiveness is highly subjective and largely varies from one person to another. Hip dips are indentations that take place on one’s hips-a natural happening-and are one of many characteristics that make every human different in their own way. Whereas every culture or society has standards about beauty, and some think of hip dips as an attractive and distinctive feature, others may not share the same view.

Then of course, there is the general media representation and personal taste that commonly factors into perception. Ultimately, it is confidence and self-acceptance, not any particular trait, that makes most people most attractive. That said, embracing your natural body shape and focusing your attention on overall well-being can make hip dips, as with all features in your body, part of what uniquely makes you attractive.

How to get rid of Hip Dips with exercise


Stand with your feet at shoulder width, arms straight down by your side.
Bracing your core and keeping a proud chest, begin pushing your hips back, bending your knees as if you were sitting down. .
At the end, push up evenly through your whole foot to the starting position.


Step forward with one leg and lower both knees into a 90-degree angle; lean forward onto the lead leg. Push off with both legs and step through, lifting your back leg forward to bring it in front of you in a lunge position.

Side leg raises

Side leg raises: Lie sideways on the exercise mat, with one leg on top of the other. Lift your top leg up towards a near 45-degree angle over your bottom leg. Lower it back down and repeat for the number of repetitions desired, then switch sides on the next set.7 Jun 2021

Curtsy lunge

How to Do It: Hold a dumbbell on your right shoulder with both hands.

Step your right foot back and around for the curtsy while simultaneously bringing the weight down to your outside left thigh as you extend your arms.
Return to start and repeat.

Side lunges method

Take one big step left with the left leg. Your toes are pointing in a single direction and your feet are planted flat on the floor.
Bend your left knee as you step outward, keeping your hips back. You should feel like you’re sitting just one side of your lower body in a chair.
Return to the starting position by releasing the position, pushing off with your left foot.
Do one set of side lunges on the left leg, then switch to your right.
Repeat for more sets.

Glute bridges Method

Lie on your back and bend your legs with your feet at a 90-degree angle to your body.
Using your leg on the ground, apply pressure with your weight to the floor.
Maintain a square hip shape.
Re-assimilate your hips to the ground while maintaining control.
3 rounds for a 30-second hold, or 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

You can also these Side hip openers, Standing kickback lunges and for more.

How to get rid of hip dips fast

There is no permanent solution to rid hip dips due to the fact they come along with the structure of the body. However, you can work out to improve the appearance of the hips through some particular exercises and changing your lifestyle accordingly. You can reduce the size by building muscle on the glutes and thighs by doing some forms of exercises such as squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. It is also important to note that a balanced diet and adequate physical activity can help in reaping overall body composition. As much as these may work for you to improve your body, try learning to love your body, its shape, and size.

How to get rid of hip dips surgery

Surgery is one option one can consider if hip dips are an issue with you. But let’s not forget, surgery also comes with some risks, and you might want to go in for a lengthy discussion with a licensed health care provider. Here are a few common surgical procedures:

Fat Transfer: This involves the refinement and injection of fat, which has been liposuctioned from one area of your body, into the hip dip areas. The contour is supposed to be smoother by giving the indentations more volume.

Implants : Another option for filling in the dips and creating a more equal contour is to place silicone or other materials into the hip area.

Body contouring surgery is surgery to reshape the body and improve overall contours, which might include the hip area.

The most important thing is to consult a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your goals whether you are a good candidate for surgery and what risks and recovery time are with these procedures.

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How to get rid of hip dips in a week

It is not possible to eliminate hip dips within a week since it is a part of the body structure. You can make your hips look much better as soon as possible with the help of some workouts and styling tips.

How to get rid of hip dips men

Men looking to better their hip dips can take that into consideration by paying more attention to work-outs and lifestyle. Here are a few effective methods.
Strength Training: Work in motions such as lunges, deadlifts, and squats that require the use of the thighs and glutes. This will make the muscles of both areas bigger, thus balancing out the inward structure of hip dips.
Core Workouts: Training with planks and side planks will balance the body shape, and you will have more muscular tone in your body.
Body Fat Management: Eating properly to maintain body fat percentages and regular cardiovascular exercise will help. While this doesn’t correct hip dips, it is absolutely sure to improve one’s general body composition.
Posture: When you keep good posture, your hips may look very different. You will feel balanced when the shoulders are back and you stand tall.
Remember that hip dips are a normal part of body anatomy, so often the best thing is to just focus on overall health and fitness.

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